Black and White Clip Art for Mary and Joseph

My mother was a snob, says Mary Whitehouse's son

On the eve of a drama about Mary Whitehouse the zealot clean-up TV campaigner, her youngest son launches an astonishing attack on the female parent he didn't talk to for fifteen years

Chris Whitehouse terminal saw his female parent a couple of days before she died.

They hadn't spoken for more than fifteen years  -  post-obit his 1983 arrest for cannabis possession  -  and he was stunned to discover that age had not mellowed her.

'She was 91 years erstwhile, merely she was still convinced she could make a difference, she still idea that all of gild'south ills could be undone and that we could render to this forgotten, gilt fourth dimension which ceased to exist long ago,' says 61-year-old Chris.

'To me, it all seemed so pointless. She was so frail, but she could still spit feathers.


A family torn autonomously by their mother's campaigning: From left Richard, Christopher, Mary and Ernest Whitehouse

'She remained fixated on the morals of the nation. She was still reading the papers, watching the news, bubbling and absolutely focussed. She didn't really chronicle to me at all. It was a very hard, 1-sided terminal conversation.'

Information technology is virtually 7 years at present since the famed guardian of the nation's morals, campaigner Mary Whitehouse, died aged 91.

Although she and Chris were reconciled before her decease, Chris still hasn't quite come to terms with the conflicting emotions she all the same has the power to arouse in him.

Certainly, in the years before her expiry, he tried to put equally much altitude between himself and the steely, helmet-haired crusader with the thick-rimmed glasses, whose xxx-yr Clean Upwards TV campaign  -  launched in 1964 when Chris was 17  -  attracted as much ridicule from the left as it did admiration from her fans.

Unmarried and with no children of his own, Chris  -  a role-time lecturer in mental wellness issues at Wolverhampton University  -  now believes his mother'south obsession with morality was role swansong for an older generation yearning for more than orthodox times and function fright over the effect the Swinging Sixties were having on her youngest son.

'Information technology was only recently that I read some of my mother's diaries, in which she seems to be peculiarly worried about my moral health,' says Chris, the youngest of Whitehouse'south three sons.

'And nevertheless when I was 16, I experience she cast me afloat. We had never seen middle to eye.

'I had realised from an early age that my mother's moral view of the world did not match mine. She resisted modify, but I was a baby-boomer, a product of the 60s. I found information technology exciting.

'I was a typical young man of that age. I was interested in poverty, the Vietnam War, world bug and I just couldn't relate to my mother'south narrow view of the world and desire to cling onto values from an past historic period.

'It seemed bizarre to me that she was going against everything that was happening in the world.'

Chris hasn't decided notwithstanding if he is going to picket tonight's BBC drama Filth: The Mary Whitehouse Story, starring Julie Walters.

Julie Walter

Acting up: Julie Walters as Mary Whitehouse

He and his older brothers Paul, 67, and Richard, 63, were non consulted before the making of the flick and a preview seen by Richard suggests that information technology might owe more to creative licence, in some respects, than verisimilitude.

'Apparently, at that place'south 1 scene which shows all three of us attending a party with our mother. We are portrayed as very abstemious,' chuckles Chris, 'I don't think nosotros e'er went to a party with our female parent and as for abstemious, let'southward but say I was like every other teenager.'

Growing up in Wolverhampton, Chris was aware from an early age that his female parent was deeply religious.

She'd met his male parent Ernest at a Christian meeting and theirs was a wedlock based on shared traditional values.

Although older brother Richard recalls a fun, easy-going mother who was and then relaxed she ignored neighbours' complaints when they saw the Whitehouse boys larking near naked on a first flooring balcony at their abode, Chris appears to have found the temper at home oppressive.

This was compounded by a tragic incident in the 1960s which plunged Ernest Whitehouse, the manager of a company making domestic h2o heaters, into a deep depression for many years.

One night while driving home, he took a bend and ran over a suicidal man who'd laid downward in the road, killing him.

Even though it was not Ernest's fault, he was plagued with guilt and often withdrew into his thoughts, sitting in a chair refusing to talk.

'If you were to enquire all of us what information technology was like growing up in our family, I don't think y'all'd get a consensus,' says Chris.

'I think I found it much harder to be in that family than my two older brothers, who as children at least captivated my parents' views much more easily. I questioned everything.'

His female parent's deeply Christian world view took on a whole new expression when she returned to work as an art teacher at secondary schoolhouse, when Chris had just entered his teens.

There, she was asked to take on the responsibility of sex teaching and became increasingly concerned about the corrupting messages influencing the young through the medium of television. This concern quickly converted into a messianic zeal.

Is it a coincidence that information technology was at this time that Chris started to become off the rails? 'I was a vivid boy, but at schoolhouse my work started to suffer considering I wasn't interested.

'My parents became increasingly worried virtually my moral welfare and these New Historic period influences.'

He pauses, before calculation: 'But whereas my mother thought kitchen sink dramas were a corrupting influence, I thought they were a revelation. I wanted to watch them, I wanted to know virtually what was actually happening in the world.


Christopher Whitehouse has been estranged from his family since 1983

'Nosotros only never saw eye to eye and it felt very tense beingness in the family unit. It afflicted all of us in dissimilar ways.

'The more hostile I became towards my parents, the more than hostile my older brother Paul became towards me  -  we still don't really talk to this day, and then I don't know why or what I did to annoy him, because information technology was my parents I had an issue with.

'In the end, I felt cast afloat. It shortly became obvious that I wasn't going to pass any O-levels at my school if I connected in that location, so at fifteen they packed me off to a boarding school in Wales where I managed to scrape 1 O-level. At 16 I left school and never went home.

'I simply bummed around for a chip doing odd jobs. I don't think it was anything particularly out of the ordinary. A lot of kids my historic period were doing the same thing.'

Chris fully indulged in what was described at the fourth dimension as a free-living, bohemian lifestyle, never settling into any one job for long and dabbling with soft drugs. In the 1970s he ran a popular group chosen Faith Healer for a while, and worked as a financial journalist and an antiques restorer.

When Chris did return home to visit his family, nothing made him want to rebuild their relationship.

After the launch of the Clean Up TV Campaign, his mother was suddenly a huge public figure, having taken on the thendirector of the BBC, Sir Hugh Carleton Greene, whom she blamed for opening up the sluice gates to a tide of filth.

Coachloads of supporters would turn up to rallies, wildly applauding Mary Whitehouse every bit she took to the podium and attacked the permissive TV she passionately believed was damaging the nation's morals.

Embarrassed feelings

All of which Chris establish extremely embarrassing, to the betoken where he would pretend he was no relation when people stopped him in the street.

'I don't think any of usa was particularly surprised with the direction she'd taken or the topics she chose to attack,' says Chris, 'because information technology was completely in keeping with what she and people of her generation believed in, and conspicuously there was some office of her that wanted to be famous.'

'She never discussed it with us, or the consequence it might take on our lives. The worst thing was when people  -  realising I was her son  -  would rush up to me in the street gushing: "Your mother is doing such a wonderful job."

'People who ordinarily wouldn't take given me the time of twenty-four hours, were incandescent with delight whenever they met me, which I establish very hard.


Richard Whitehouse pictured in his home in Essex. His relationship with brother Chris is 'strained'

'One Christmas we had a family gettogether and it had been arranged with a newspaper that they'd call her over Christmas and detect out what we did, what we talked about and what we ate on Christmas Day.

'I felt that after the campaign started she, figuratively speaking, disappeared from the family, and all the same we were drawn into her public life without any consultation.

'All her energies were elsewhere. As a result, she became extremely worried about the effect I, equally her son, might have on her public image and the way she presented her own family. We were all enlightened that she was very sensitive to whatsoever form of embarrassment.'

Chris'southward estrangement from the family came in the mid-Eighties, a year or so after he received a suspended prison house sentence in 1983 for possessing cannabis.

Abort shame

Arrested later a law raid on the farmhouse where he was living equally office of a commune, Mary Whitehouse never quite recovered from the embarrassment.

At the fourth dimension, both she and her son tried to play down the family unit rift looming. In a statement Mary said: 'Christopher is our much-loved son and we are standing past him'.

Chris, meanwhile, insisted he was his female parent's number one fan. 'Quite simply, she'southward the best mum in the globe and I'grand very proud of her and the fight she'south engaged in. I accept her view totally,' he said at the time.

Today, nonetheless, he tin be a little more frank. Later the cannabis confidence, the already strained human relationship worsened and they just stopped talking  -  an system which appeared to accommodate both of them.

'When I got busted for cannabis possession, it was just the end for her really,' says Chris. 'It brought together all her fears.

'She was very aware of her paradigm, but if you are going to set yourself up as a public figure so yous are going to have to have the crude with the smooth.

'There are going to exist consequences, adventitious or not, and her decision to go a public figure was fabricated without consulting u.s.a..'

While his older brothers married and had children, gratuitous-spirited Chris never settled downwardly.

Although he and Paul no longer talk, Chris has stayed friendly with Richard, who for 25 years lived with his wife Ros, a pic restorer, and three children, now aged 32, xxx and 26, in a house next door to his parents in Essex, until 1999 when sick wellness prompted Mary and her husband to motility into a Colchester nursing dwelling house.

Richard, who remembers his mother every bit existence warm and fun-loving when he was kid, admits that her condign a campaigner took its price on the whole family.

'My mother was extremely charismatic and very good with people. She was incredibly popular with people who knew her on a personal level,' says Richard,' She was always welldressed and wasn't this fuddy duddy as she was frequently portrayed.

'But at that place were also times when she could be very difficult to talk to and it could be tense. We had no say in her crusade and every bit an creative person who believes in cocky-expression, I institute information technology very hard at times to agree with her views.

'But she was a committed Christian and believed social club could and should be based on those values.

'The worst part of her campaign was how mentally exhausting it was for her. Sometimes she would exist in complete mental collapse, to the point where she lost her memory.

'She found gardening very relaxing at those times. In later years, of course, we tried to persuade her to give up, but she wouldn't listen.'

The later years of Mary'due south life were increasingly hard as her hubby succumbed to senile dementia.

Too frail to look later on him on her ain, she relied heavily on Richard and a succession of carers who often left because they couldn't stand Mary's imperious means.

'Pointless' campaigns

'It would exist an exaggeration to say they hated her,' says Richard, 'but while my mother was very proficient with certain people, she was not very good with ordinary people.

'In curt, she was a bit of a snob. She'd grown up in a house with live-in servants and she had this rather Victorian attitude towards people.'

While Richard did non entirely agree with his mother'southward entrada and says it took precedence over family life, he admires her passion and achievements, most notably the 9pm watershed, equally well equally her influence on legislation such as the Broadcasting Deed and Protection of the People Act, which attempted to curb the pornographic exploitation of minors.

Chris, nonetheless, struggles to come across any point to his mother's campaign, and he appears to regard her as a deluded King Canute effigy trying to hold back the ocean.

'When I saw her after she died, the look on her face was not happy. Because, let's face information technology, her campaign to clean upwardly boob tube was ultimately a failure,' says Chris.

'For xxx years she'd more or less cast her family adrift while the campaign consumed her life.'

'I have no animosity towards the adult female, merely what was it all for? Has she stopped swearing on idiot box? No. Has she stopped violence? No. Has she stopped pornography? No. If anything, she peradventure made people want all these things more than.'


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